Enid Blyton – The Magic Faraway Tree Collection
Korte samenvatting (achterkant van het boek)
When Joe, Beth and Frannie move to the countryside, they discover that their new house lies next to the Enchanted Wood! And in that wood stands the Magic Faraway Tree. This is no ordinary tree – it is home to more magical lands full of elves, pixies, talking creatures and wonderful adventures than the children ever imagined possible!
Schrijver: Enid Blyton
Titel: The Magic Faraway Tree Collection
Uitgeverij: Hodder (GB)
Jaartal: 2020
Bladzijden: 637
Illustrator: Jan McCafferty
Genre: sprookjes & fantasy
Leeftijd: 6-9 jaar
- bevat The Enchanted Wood (1939), The Magic Faraway Tree (1943), The Folk of the Faraway Tree (1946)
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